2010年12月9日 星期四

http 方式連結 analysis server SQL2008 R2

環境是SQL2008 R2 64 bits, 要建立OLAP HTTP連線

Configuring HTTP Access to SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services on Microsoft Windows Server 2008

設定後,在SSMS 2008R2 用http://myserver/olap64/msmdpump.dll 的方式連結到AS Server上.


Cannot connect to http://myserver/olap64/msmdpump.dll.

The connection either timed out or was lost. (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient)

遠端伺服器傳回一個錯誤: (405) 不允許的方法。 (System)

再試著在Excel 2010, 以http連線到AS , 結果出現另一個訊息..

the http server returned the following error: method not allow

反覆檢視文章,檢查了半天, 看來設定沒問題....
(IIS 7的介面真的令人很不習慣,一個設定要找老半天,還要中翻英一下才...)

由Andy T. 網友所回覆..在iis applicationpool (應用程式集區), 進階設定,將啟用32位元應用程式設成False就好了...


I wanted to add in a comment on 64-bit vs. 32-bit.  I am running Vista Business on a 64-bit machine.  I kept getting "405.0 - Method not allowed" errors when trying the http URL to the msmdpump.dll.  The error seemed as though it was not accepting the POST method, but in fact the issue was that my OLAP application pool should not be enabled for 32-bit applications.  If you go to the advanced settings on the OLAP application pool, the 2nd setting from the very top is, "Enable 32-Bit Applications" and it must be set to "False" since I am running on a 64-bit machine.
- Andy

開啟SSMS, 用http連線.....然後, 就成功了.....
Browse Cube ....冇問題啦
Process ............也冇問題啦

ps.同事說,他使用SQL 2008 64 bits + SP2, 在SSMS中以http方式連結AS SERVER,結果process時, 整個當掉. 目前無解...




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